
坦帕电 实验室服务 was established in 1976 to provide accurate and cost-effective laboratory testing and environmental monitoring services to 坦帕电 公司. 自成立以来, our laboratory has expanded to serve 坦帕电 as well as other clients in utilities and industries across Florida. Our goal is to provide superior customer service utilizing our experienced Project Management, Quality Assurance and Laboratory staff to help define your project, develop a customized analytical/sampling program and to provide superior analytical results using state of the art technology.

实验室服务澳门线上真人博彩官网是。 NELAP certified laboratory with over 250 years of combined sampling, laboratory, analytical and Project Management experience. 实验室服务 offers proficiency in a wide range of analytical capabilities for various matrices including but not limited to: Groundwater, 地表水, 废水, 污泥, 土壤, 及危险废物. Analytical testing is provided in accordance with several different regulatory programs, 包括《, 公告, 污染, 和npd. We have an excellent QA infrastructure in place to facilitate the production of scientifically sound, legally defensible data ensuring all data withstands regulatory scrutiny. Rush turnaround time capability and customized reporting and electronic data deliverables are also available.

实验室服务NELAP Certified Analytical Testing Capabilities
Fl doh e54272


  • 碱度
  • Br, Cl, F, NO3, NO2 and SO4 - EPA 300.0/9056
  • 化学需氧量(COD)
  • Color
  • 闪点
  • 硬度
  • 固体可燃性
  • 朗利尔饱和指数
  • 硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐
  • 油和油脂(哼哼 & SGT /下摆)
  • 有机氮
  • 昊图公司磷酸
  • pH
  • Residue - TDS, TSS, TS, % Solids
  • Total and Dissolved Organic Carbon
  • Total Halogens by EPA 5050/9056
  • 总凯氏定氮量
  • 总磷
  • 工会氨
  • 总氮


  • 石油中的PCB EPA 600/4-81-045
  • PCB在固体EPA 8082


  • 痕量金属通过ICPMS EPA 200.8/6020
  • 低水平汞通过EPA 1631E
  • EPA 245汞.1, 7470, 7471
  • 二氧化硅为SiO2
  • SPLP Leaching Procedure EPA 1312
  • TCLP Leaching Procedure EPA 1311
  • 痕量金属通过ICP EPA 200.7/6010


  • Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA 624.1/8260
  • SPLP ZHE Leaching Procedure EPA 1312
  • TCLP ZHE Leaching Procedure EPA 1311

实验室服务Field 服务 and Sampling Capabilities

坦帕电 also offers in-house superior, full service environmental field sampling and analysis support. Our full-time samplers are proficient in Florida DEP field sampling SOPs for surface water, ground water and hazardous waste. The following analyses are routinely performed in the field following the FDEP SOPs:

  • 二氧化氯
  • 导电率
  • 二氧化碳(免费 & 总)
  • 溶解氧
  • 二价铁
  • pH
  • 氧化还原
  • 余氯
  • 盐度
  • 淤泥密度指数
  • 亚硫酸盐
  • 盐度
  • 温度
  • 累加器阅读
  • 浊度
  • 水的深度

We also offer the following non-NELAP Certified analyses in water:

  • 甲酸通过EPA 300.0M
  • 联氨
  • Paint Filter Liquids Test EPA 9095
  • 粒径分布
  • 可沉降固体SM2540F

实验室服务Oil and Coal Analytical Testing Capabilities

实验室服务 also is equipped to provide a wide variety of analytical testing of Fuel Oils (#2 & #6), Transformer Oils, Coal, 灰 and Gypsum including the following analytical testing parameters:


  • API重力
  • Asphaltenes (Normal Heptane Insolubles)
  • 英热单位 (Gross and Net Heat of Combustion)
  • Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen (CHN)
  • 浊点
  • Color
  • 导电率
  • 密度
  • 闪点
  • 运动粘度
  • 金属通过XRF和ICP
  • 多氯联苯
  • 倾点
  • 赛氏粘度
  • 萃取沉淀物
  • 比重
  • 硫和低硫
  • 按体积计的水和沉积物
  • 蒸馏水

Transformer Oil property testing

  • 酸值ASTM D974
  • 铜腐蚀ASTM D130
  • 腐蚀性硫ASTM D1275
  • Dissolved Gas Analysis (TOGAS) ASTM D3612
  • Dielectric Breakdown ASTM D877
  • Dielectric Breakdown ASTM D1816
  • Dissipation/Power Factor ASTM D924
  • 呋喃ASTM D5837
  • Interfacial Tension (IFT) ASTM D-971
  • Moisture in Oil by Karl Fisher ASTM D1533
  • 抗氧化剂
  • 颗粒计数
  • PCB的EPA 600-4/81-045
  • 视觉检查ASTM D1524


  • 酸不溶物
  • 游离水和结合水
  • CaCO3, CaSO4, CaSO3, MgCO3
  • 石膏纯度

煤、粉煤灰 & 渣测试

  • 60目湿度
  • 空气干燥水分
  • 灰融合
  • 灰 Minerals (SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5)
  • 碱/酸比
  • 英热单位
  • 体积密度
  • 碳酸钙CaCO3
  • 碳,氢,氮 & 氧(CHNO)
  • 氯 and Fluorine by Bomb (EPA 5050/9056)
  • 污染指数
  • 污染趋势
  • 把煤磨成60目
  • Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI)
  • 点火时的loi损失
  • 燃烧汞
  • 氧化剂筛选试验
  • Proximate Analysis (总水分, 60 mesh Moisture, 灰, Volatiles, Fixed Carbon)
  • Short Prox (总水分, 60 mesh Moisture, 灰, 英热单位, 硫)
  • 筛分分析
  • 硅值
  • 结渣指数/趋势
  • 三氧化二硫
  • T250
  • 总水分
  • 微量金属
  • Ultimate Analysis (总水分, 60 mesh Moisture, 灰, 英热单位, 氯, CHN, Oxygen, 硫)
  • 挥发性物质

实验室服务Air Analysis Testing Capabilities

实验室服务 supports our in-house 航空服务 Sample Stack Testing Group by performing the following analyses.

  • Total Particulate Matter - EPA 5, 5b, 17, 201a, MATS
  • Hydrogen Halides (HCL/HF) - EPA 26a
  • 硫ic Acid and 硫 Dioxide - EPA 8b

We look forward to serving your sampling and analytical needs.

For further information and pricing, please contact:


P: 813-630-7490
C: 813-351-9960
F: 813-630-7360
E: papenner@tecoenergy.com
